07 January 2014

Bench sesh - 1/7/14

Ah, another... Tuesday?... another bench sesh. This one was a little weird, lots of folks in the ol' jamesnasium. A perfect convergence of a few happenings - some new folks in with the Resolutioners hitting, a Groupon for boot camp, and several groups of the normal lifters in all at once. Cold weather and the sun down equaled everyone inside. I was in early enough to grab a rack for my bench itself, but soon lost it to trainees.

Alles gut, still got a little work in.

All Pigs Must Die... enjoy.

Here is what occurred:

  • Bench - worked up to 3x3x145lbs
  • Lat pulldown, wide grip - 5x10x110lbs (last set was probably eight)
  • Klokov press in the monolift with the squat bar (weird) - 2x10xbar, 5x8x75lbs
  • Help buddy Jim coach his lady getting her squat on - 30min
  • Band pull aparts with Lifting Large KB-1 purple band at the house after - 4x15

Not crazy work, but added weight to just about everything and felt pretty decent.

Onward we roll.

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