06 May 2013

One month of being a powerlifter, I'm a fatty, and a new bike appears

So today is officially a month since I became a powerlifter, and oddly, I haven't done much "powerlifting" since then. Only really benched a handful of times (under a bamboo bar with kettlebells attached) and squatted a handful of times (paused/dynamic at light weights). A lot of volume of work, not a lot of strength/power work directly on the big three.

This is the last week of the GPP/conditioning cycle, then on to hypertrophy. Can't say I'll be sad to see the end of this cycle, but there are some good lessons learned and I have made some weak points better because of it. I would say it has done exactly what it needed to do.

I have really let my diet slip lately (had BBQ nachos today, of all things, and popcorn and soda yesterday) but I look forward to cleaning it back up. Good, whole foods in mass quantities coming up. Time to get hooge.

And this happened yesterday...

Little girl's first real bike! I joke that this was my cardio yesterday- stressing about her riding up and down the sidewalk, but it really is awesome watching her work, figure out mechanics, etc. She has a lot of fun with it, might need to get mama and I a couple of new bikes so we can all ride together.


02 May 2013

Next powerlifting meet - Blytheville, Part 2

So it looks like the team is going to split and pick one of two meets for the next one- some of our stronger guys are going to do a pro-am in Manchester, TN in August, while some of us are going to return to Blytheville, AR in September. I will be doing the latter of the two, so it looks like more Holiday Inn and more Perkins to be had.

The split team structure should work better and allow us to focus more on our individual attempts and not worry about spotting, then wrapping, then lifting, then wrapping, then cheering, then spotting, then wrapping, then holy shit lifting, then spotting, then holy crap I'm on deck, then lifting, ad nauseum.

We are on a conditioning/GPP cycle right now, then on to a hypertrophy cycle for a few weeks, then back to the big three and some periodization to get ready for the meets.

Good times to be had.

Weight chart, 5/1/2013

For the hell of it, here's a chart of my body weight for about the last year. Simple chart by date and morning weight, blue points are the actual daily weight, red line is the trend.


You'll note the large spike on 4/6- that is the day of the SPF meet in Blytheville. Gained almost ten pounds in a day only to drop it all off over the next week. Thanks, Gatorade and lots of Perkins!