27 January 2014

Bench sesh - 1/27/2014. Metal Klokov metal.

Just another manic Monday, just another bench sesh. 

This one was interesting as I switched the movement up a hair- it was going to be either Buffalo Bar bench or floor press. Ten billion people squatting in racks and the competition bench was taken BUT some of the ladies on the powerlifting team were gracious enough to let me work on the outside of the rack they were using, so floor press it was.

Here's what occurred:

  • Floor press- Up to 3x15lbs, 2x5x135lbs
  • Ladder handle pulldown, varying widths from wide to narrow to wide- 5x10x120lbs
  • Klokov press- 10xbar, 10x65lbs, 10x85lbs, 3x5x95lbs
  • Band pull aparts at home after dinner - 3x20 w/EliteFTS red pro mini band 

Floor pressing is always fun as my chest is large enough and my arms short enough that if I arch right, even off the floor, the bar touches my chest before my elbows touch the floor. Does it kill part of the intent of the floor press? Sure, but it still takes my legs our of the movement so it is pretty strictly upper body. Got the top set at 155lbs, but my shoulders/stabilizers just aren't quite there yet. Yvonna spotted and critiqued that set because she's awesome, and she said my right side was struggling. This was interesting as my left side is the weak/injured side. Seems I was concentrating hard enough on actively stabilizing my left side that I was letting my right side slack. 


No worries, back the weight down and get some more reps so we don't engrain bad patterns. 

Also fun, back to some Klokov presses. 

Got some technique correction and affirmation from Jordan and David and got to work a little heavier than I have gone in a while. While I didn't get a ton of reps in at the top weight, the weight felt good and had a few grinders on the last set. 

Bing bang bong.

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