22 January 2014

Bench sesh 1/22/14 - now with more foot coverings!

Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhh, Wotan's Day. How I love thee.

Because Wotan. 

Hump day, bench day. 

Here's what occurred:

  • DE Bench - 8x3x105lbs + Elite "Intense" Onyx band/side
  • Band pull aparts with same band - 5x10
  • Unilateral incline dumbbell press (L/R) - 4x10/15x30lbs
  • Lat pulldown - 5x10x100lbs

You get no video because you've been naughty. Admit what you've done and we'll spare the child.


Felt pretty good overall, the shoulder got fatigued pretty quickly and that last set or three of bench got a might slow, but good nonetheless. I need to make sure to get more band work in on off days with the shoulder, got to clicking pretty regularly in those incline sets.

And Amon Amarth came on AFTER I was done benching, of course. Lame-o.

Okay video.

Metal starts about five minutes in if you are impatient.

More lifting, more better, more man laughs. 

Amongst other social interactions Jordan and I rode the roflcopter on various topics and along with Johnny briefly touched on the finer points of being a responsibly armed citizen, I danced for David's video, Porter and I discussed the finer points of hand placement in the bench press, I scared Matt with beast noises, Jon and I discussed the various issues of various ladies (regular and miniature) in our lives and the domestic terrorists that created our country (make sure your sarcasm meter is pinging), Jim and I committed to male bonding love.


It's like that.

Also amused myself changing before the sesh. Looked down between shirts (?) and realized I have a shoe problem. Granted, they are not all in the bag at the same time, but yeah.

So I have a shoe problem.

What's the big deal? It's cool. I can stop any time I want.

Quick, look over there! Metal!

Good song, hilarious video.


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