05 April 2014

Training Sesh 4/2/2014: C sesh quickie post

I guess better late than never, eh? Just a quick write up on the sesh, and my apologies for being late "to press" with it- sometimes you get busy, eh. Squatted last night, write up to follow. This was the second dedicated bench sesh in the rotation, feeling pretty good about it so far.

I did think of one potential drawback in current rotation - with doing a rotation of A/C/B/C, that's a lot of time between squat seshes and deathlift seshes. May have to switch it up to a straight up A/B/C rotation to shorten the cycle time between individual lift seshes. I'll stick with what I have for now but may switch up if the squat or deathlift numbers start creeping down.

Less overthinking, more doing.

But I digress. As to the bench sesh, here is what occurred:

  • Bench - 3x5xbar, 5x95lbs, 5x135lbs, 5x155lbs, 5x170lbs, 5x175lbs
  • Tbar row, paused - 4x8x45lbs
  • OHP, strict - 10xbar, 3x8x95lbs
  • Band pull apart - 3x12 w/ EliteFTS Intense Onyx band, narrower grip than last sesh for a little more tension

Little shorter sesh than last C session, but das okay, mah. Anudda quaalude, she be mine again.

Got into the jamesnasium late from a longer day at work, got in and did a little more warm up and stretch than normal. Some of the stuff we forget about sometimes, some more rotation, more stretching, more shoulder band traction. Goodly stuffs.

Getting into the bench, it felt pretty good. At some point previously, I decided to bring my hands in a finger (middle finger on the ring) to bench. Don't even really remember why I did it, get more triceps recruitment or something, I'm sure. This sesh, maybe in the 135 set, I decided to take it back out to my old grip, index on the ring, just for shits and giggles. Ended up feeling pretty good so I did the rest of the sesh this way. Hit the 155, the 170 felt good (and was my previous best since injury/starting rehab), and went on to 175. I lost my shoulder tightness on rep four of that set, got it, reset, and ground out rep five. Ugly, but got it.


Don't know if the wider grip or a little added accessory work was responsible for the attainment of increase (that's the problem when you change multiple variables- can't pinpoint any one as directly responsible), but there you have it, back to progress.

I was a little bummed out, as it appears all the micro mini bands have bitten the dust at the ol' NBS, so I did not hit my external rotations in the sesh. Luckily I have one at home, so they were done yesterday. The rest of accessories went pretty well. They're accessories, after all.

Not a ton else to report. Messed with Porter during his training video whilst he put in some work.

Sweet song, by the way.

And one of the team's guys apparently took too many preworkouts before his bench session, got all hyped up, and passed out at the bottom of a heavy single. Of course, pretty much everyone in the gym - especially the team - always work with safeties and/or spotters during heavy work, but this reinforces the need for them. I can't say that it was the three different preworkouts he took that made him pass out, but I wouldn't doubt that the extra stimulants plus the natural blood pressure spike caused from holding the breath and lifting (as is the norm for heavy singles) probably just flipped his breaker for a second.

He even said he came to not knowing what happened, thought he completed the lift, and told them to throw ten more pounds on.

Needless to say, that didn't happen. Lolly lol.

Thankfully, as mentioned, it was at the bottom of the bench, so the bar didn't fall on him. Spotters reacted quick enough and got the bar off of him before any damage was caused. And, as they say, he lived to fight another day.

Good team times.

Go forth and destroy.

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