17 April 2014

Training Sesh 4/15/14: One bad bench day

This was not the coolest bench sesh I've ever had. I wouldn't say that it ranks quite up to the day that I realized how fucked my left side upper back/shoulder/triceps were, but it was not much fun.

As to the numbers, here's what occurred:

  • Traction/foam roll - 15-20min
  • Bench - 10xbar, 5x95lbs, 5x135lbs, 5x155lbs, 2x175lbs, 5x155lbs, 3x8x135lbs
  • JM Press - 3x10xbar
  • Cable face pull - 10x80lbs, 10x100lbs, 2x10x120lbs
  • Paused behind the neck lat pull down with fat stright bar, wide grip - 10x80lbs, 2x10x100lbs, 10x120lbs

If you look at those bench numbers, you will note that they are below my working set from the other day.

Well below.

Seems that somewhere in the 135lbs set, my left biceps tendon started getting very sore. By the 155lbs set, it was lit up pretty well. By the 175lbs set, I decided to do some band work beforehand and some lacrosse ball rolling in the distal bicep, shoulder, upper back, and chest/clavicle on the left side. I could barely get the two reps out without it feeling like the elbow was collapsing at about 3-4" off from the chest.

Needless to say, I was perturbed.

Dropped another set back down to 155lbs, felt about the same as the 175lbs. More perturbation. Dropped back down to 135lbs and knocked out a few painful sets there. More rolling and band work, went about my accessory work.

Not sure yet as to the cause of said pain, but it seemed to subside by the time I went to bed that night. Could be shoulder related (tight shoulders can do evil work on nerves), could be related to the back issue, could just be a shit day. I will be monitoring going forward, obviously, and see what needs to happen. Hopefully, this won't set back to the need for more PT or anything more severe.

More updates as they come.


Go forth and destroy.

But not your tendons.

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