21 March 2014

Training Sesh 3/20/14: Squats, shock therapy, and poor videographers

Not a bad sesh overall, needed to get more work in, but hey, at least it started with getting shocked.

With a cattle prod.


Thanks, Christian.

I walk in the door and am distracted with the classic "Todd thinks I'm sexy" maneuver annnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnd Christian tags me in the back of the arm. Hardy har har, hilarity ensues, Dave gets the prod from Christian and starts following me around with it.

Unsatisfied with NOT shocking me again, I let him shock me in the leg instead of the ding dong that he was aiming for originally.

Apparently, though, everyone is getting a turn getting tagged with it. There's already video up of another member getting tagged with it during some reverse crunches. One more can't hurt, right?

Sorry, Rylan.

Ah... dudes.

Here's what occurred:
  • Squat - 5xbar, 5x135lbs, 5x185lbs, 5x225lbs, 5x275lbs, 5x315lbs, 5x335lbs
  • Bench - 5xbar, 5x95lbs, 5x135lbs, 155lbs, 5x165lbs
  • Lat pulldown w/ 2 count pause - 3x10x100lbs
I haven't been real consistent with training recently so I was pretty happy about the squat set, really. I was lifting with Matt hanging out outside the rack, who informed me that they were all good for depth


I neglected to tell Matt exactly how to operate the ol' Windows Phone camera (you know... tap the screen once to record) so the evidence that I would REALLY have loved to game tape, post, etc, didn't QUITE make it, or even get recorded at all, really.

I apparently need to bring Jordan Carroll, Media Manager, back in.


You will just have to trust me that the first few reps were half decent (all reportedly sunk at or below parallel), the last several were a little rough but they all came up. Played with grip a little more- narrower grip, a la the "Rippetoe grip" I have been playing with, but with a full grip on the bar and wrist wraps. Even felt like I was able to get my elbows down a bit better.


Vultan says, "yes". 

The bench portion lagged, obviously. Aside from spot increases in training seshes (a la last Saturday's bro man love sesh) I have not been getting adequate triceps and shoulder work in lately, completely my fault. One thing I have been contemplating here is changing my rep scheme for bench only to a 5/3/1 scheme, but as I conversed about with David, I need to get more consistent in this program first- don't want to be "that guy" and start program hopping if I haven't put in the proper effort in this one.

Admittedly, I could feel progress start to slow a few weeks ago, but additional intelligent accessory work could very well be the solution here, or switching to a 3x5 to add volume. This may actually be the better solution, as I know that from talking with Scott when he spots my bench sessions, it sounds like my patterning is off due to the bad side shoulder/upper back- I am bringing the bar down unevenly on heavier sets, so my press is off. Intelligent volume can help solve this problem- more good reps at lighter weight- with some added triceps and shoulder stability work.

In either regard, I think the same solution will more than likely happen with OHP as well, so we will approach with caution, so to speak.

Need to get back into the habit of doing work on off days, especially if I don't get all my accessory work in like the last few seshes. I have bands and bells at home, so the resources are there, just need to get it ingrained.

Go forth and destroy.

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