13 March 2014

Training Sesh 3/12/14 - the Shit Show, Episode II: Attack of the Unicorn

In the long tradition (so far one other training sesh this cycle) of working backwards, I thought we would go ahead and have another shit training sesh last night.

Okay, really, it's not that bad AND one can't be too negative about a couple of bad training days, especially when one isn't training with proper frequency.

And as a bonus, Jim and I started my jamesnasium experience with a proper display of bearded burly man gym greeting, complete with bull hoof scuff, beard rubbing, and circling canine ass sniffing.

Yes, this is how we roll.

At any rate, here's what occurred:

  • Front squat - 2x5xbar with some pauses to stretch, 5x95lbs, 5x135lbs, 5x185lbs, 5(6 or 7?)x225lbs, 3x245lbs
  • OHP - 2x5xbar, 5x95lbs, 5x115lbs, 5x125lbs
  • Wide stance good morning 2/Mastodon bar - 3x10x110lbs
  • Lat pulldown w/3 count pause at bottom - 3x10x100lbs

Few issues with the sesh-

1) Front squat - on that set at 225, I got overhyped and threw in an extra rep or two. Problem being in what would have been one more last rep, I let the bar roll into my throat and just about threw up half way up. I'm what I would call a violent puker, so I thought that ill advised and ditched the bar forward into the safeties.

Quoth David, "You should have just puked. That would have been awesome."

Think when I did that I tweaked my left wrist and right knee, so when I first lined up for 245 and unracked, it felt all kinds of fucked up and I reracked. I took a minute, walked around on the knee, grabbed some water, and came back for the set of three. Not excited about that as I got a really good set of five at 265 last front skwat sesh, but as mentioned previously, I am not that into being injured, so I called it there.

This morning the knee is still a little sore and I can't put much weight on the wrist without it hurting. Hmm.

Since I didn't get video of almost projectile vomitting all over the floor, here's the video from the last front squat sesh that actually went well, 5x265lbs in this video:


2) Normally this would have been a deadlift sesh as well, but I decided to hold off as I have the arfcom lifter bros coming in this weekend, and we have decided to barter training help- I am going to offer my bench advice and they have offered their deadlift advice. Having not felt awesome about my last few deadlift seshes, I am going to hold off till Saturday and see what we can get done.

3) OHP - weight number is down, but honestly the reps were cleaner than previous sesh. I know this and bench are going to take some time to redevelop, so I am okay with that. Tweaked wrist didn't feel too bad wrapped. Hopefully good there.

Moved on to discussing squat technique with good ol' Johnny Haterman, I mean Adelman, in which we discussed the benefits of narrow grip but debated elbow flare and discussed admiration for Olympic lifters, those silly athletes. If powerlifters were all as explosive as Olympic lifters, I am pretty sure we would just take over the world.

Also discussed with Jordan the joys of making Austin laugh, and Scott and Jordan discussed several apparently choice episodes of Tim and Eric's Awesome Show Good Job. (hint: I've never seen a full episode of that show).

So there you have it, not much else to report. Dudes in a room moving steel around and acting like douche bags to each other.

Oh, and there was a new lady in the jamsenasium as well, Barbie, who apparently also trains strongman. This is excellent, if for no other reason than there is a new person with whom to train and make slightly uncomfortable with our shenanigans.

She also brought a unicorn mask in. Because unicorn. Jon loved it.

We may never sleep soundly again.

Go forth and destroy.

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