05 February 2014

Squat sesh 2/5/14 - all up in yo dynamics... ish...

Short one today, got to the jamesnasium late and shared a rack with some of the fellers again. No big deal, eh, little more break between sets and I got to discuss with ol' Johnny Adelman how neither of us are fast in the squat.

Yet some of the guys in that crew (including my newly appointed media manager, Jordan) are against speed work.

And that... is okay. I think speed work actually helped me on my first go round with the PL team early last year SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO I will keep up with it for now.

Also got to play with bar position, hand placement, etc. I have been doing a fair amount of Klokov pressing lately, and in the unracking of the bar, I have been setting up a little differently from my squat. The Klokov press dictates a snatch width grip and, just by happenstance, I have been setting the bar lower than normal.

The result?

This was set three or four. Footage courtesy of Jordan Caroll, media manager

Not bad, I must say. Purposely went with lighter weight to play with the positioning and ran sets of three instead of two. Parallel felt good, staying upright felt pretty good, bar felt pretty well locked in place on the back once I figured out the grip- overhand with dropped pinkies seemed to win here.

As to the actual routine for the night (here's what occurred), realized early on that I was running short on time so instead of the normal eight sets of two for dynamic squatting, I did about 15 sets of three with 185 + two chains on the Texas Squat Bar and called it a night.

Even remembered to work in the Romaleos.

David just got a Mastodon bar in from Elite, should have used that. It's so purty.

Not that Mastodon.

This one.

Next time.



Before leaving, I did remember that I had to grab some gym merch-

It's okay, you can admit it.

My gym is cooler than yours.

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