14 May 2014

Training Sesh 5/12: More bench, more stall, more work to be done

Short post on the session the other day. Barely worth posting on, but one can learn from every bit of data, draw conclusions from every experience, good or bad. This was not my most favorite of bench sessions in the entire world, but I guess it's bound to happen from time to time.

In short, I think the tight shoulder is getting a bit better (ie, less biceps tendinitis) but not getting much further in the weight progression. 

Here's what occurred:
  • Bench - 10xbar, 10x95lbs, 8x135lbs, 5x155lbs, 5x175lbs, 3x190lbs
  • Shoulder series x 2
  • Klokov presses - 10xbar, 5x65lbs, 5x85lbs, 5x105lbs
  • Reverse hyper, heels together/toes out - 3x10x90lbs
Similar issues as last bench sesh, tightness and strength. The upper back is fatiguing quickly and isn't supporting the weight through the entire set, causes the set to deteriorate to the point where more than three reps at that weight isn't happening. Hard to press off of an unstable platform, and I am definitely still favoring one side.

The bueno, she is no. 

Boom. There. Ees okay, just need to keep forging ahead and getting all my support shits stronger. Needs more upper back/shoulder work on off days (shoulder circuit and pull aparts), more triceps work on sesh days, probably some chest work as well. Band flyes on off days with the pull aparts? Mayhaps. 

And since there is not much else to say than that, you get a video. 

Not of me... God, no.

A video of Fantomas. 

Fantomas doing Slayer, you silly willies.

Go forth and destructinate.

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