26 May 2014

Quick training update, Memorial Day stuffs, etc

Howdy, y'all!

Been a minute but, yes, I'm still here and kicking. Somewhat unintentionally took the better part of a week off of training and got a little loose with the diet, but it has been a pretty decent week+ since last check in.

When last we trained, 'twas a bench sesh, so this last one on Saturday was about time to get to squattin'. Here's what occurred:

  • Squat - 5xbar, 5x145lbs, 5x235lbs, 5x285lbs, 5x325lbs, 4x365lbs
  • Good mornings - 10x145lbs, 10x195lbs, 10x215lbs, 10x165lbs
  • Lat pull down, fat straight bar, wide grip, paused - 3x10x110lbs

Not awful coming off the deload, using Wendler's 1RM calculator we get a 414lbs 1RM. With wraps, that should be over 450lbs. With deathlift of at least 405lbs and the bench at a paltry 205lbs, looks like I might be able to get a little bit done by November. If I can pull and squat around 500 each and bench 250 by then, I would be reasonably happy with that. Time to start planning a meet cycle. If I can keep to 3x/week sessions then we'll call it a 16 week conjugate/block periodization training cycle, so July would be time to start kicking.

And after last night's diet tomfoolery, about 35lbs still to lose if I want to lift at 220lbs.

Let's do dis.

So last night's diet tomfoolery- we had a Memorial Day Eve grill for some family type folks and I somehow managed to gain (no shit) six pounds by end of day. Yeah, a lot of that was water weight from all the freaking beer (all four of those bottles) and, well, water, with the crazy amount of sodium involved, but I can't really expect to lose or maintain weight when I am taking in about 4500 kCals in a day.

You sure you want that many empty calories in your diet dere, brudda?

So speaking of Memorial Day... you know, today, Memorial Day... take yourself a hot second and remind yourself of what we are celebrating. I am sure if you are reading this then you have some sort of presence in social media, the internet in general, etc, so you have probably already been inundated with memes and posts, etc, but really, do yourself and those that made the "ultimate sacrifice" for our country a favor and just


If you don't do anything else today, just remember. Bear in mind that, regardless of your lot in society and how you feel about war, what our government spends on defense, how much you like or don't like Obama, or how much you admire Miley Cyrus or how cool you think you are, men and women have died to make sure you get to do what you do on a daily basis. 

And while I won't tell you to NOT thank a veteran for their service, remember that today is about the folks that didn't make it back home. As my brother, a retired Marine, posted on his Facebook page a few years ago- don't wish them into an early grave! Living veterans have a day coming up, too. Use this day to remember those that gave their lives in service of the United States of America.

Now get out there and do something good with yourself. Do something American. Honor our departed warriors with a little goodness in your life. That's what they died for.

The aftermath of a good day about town.

Go get it done.

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