20 December 2013

Short timing it till Christmas

Y'all that have been following along probably know that I am currently working a night shift with work as we are in what we call "peak season" for a line of products - namely photo books, cards, calendars, etc that we produce as a vendor for several different partner companies. Being the holidays, this is the busiest time of year as folks order up gifts for people on their list. For this business segment, almost half of the entire year's work comes in during the month or so between Thanksgiving and Christmas.

That's a whole lotta work, bro. 

This picture would be more appropriate if these same dudes were out doing this at, say, 2:00AM

I am sure this is great for business and all, but I have to say that it annoys the crap out of me. First world problems and all, but every holiday for the past five years this has been my lot- managing at least one shift of 30-50 folks, most of whom are temporary workers with no previous skills in the print field. This shift happens to usually occur during hours that are not conducive to seeing my family during, you know, the most family- and tradition-centric time of the year. 

Not that I am bitter or anything, but it would be awesome if one of these holidays I could be home most nights before everyone else went to bed and be able to see them for more than 20 minutes a day six days out of a week. 

I actually kind of like Christmas. Like a lot.

Santa Claus is coming to town, y'all.

Managed to get a little money out of the totaling of Ol' Red and there was a little bonus with work. Of course, it all went into down payment for the new car so we wouldn't have a completely outrageous note. Would have been nice to have been able to get a few more things for the family. 

Thanks, bad Memphis driver.

That said, things are merely things and are not what is important. I survived the accident unscathed and wasn't upside down on the vehicle that I would rather not have had demolished, both of which are good things and things I am thankful for.

Thankful to be alive and working. A lot of folks don't have those two things going for them.



Would have been nice.

Just sayin'.

Least there's always egg nog.

Let me know when you find the anomaly. I found it quite amusing. 

Speaking of, I need to try my hand at making some ho made egg nog. Because after January it's a nogless time, and that is sad. A buddy has said Alton Brown's recipe is quite good. This stands to reason because, really, does Alton Brown have bad recipes?

But that is for when I have more time. 


Four more days.

One of which is my wife and my anniversary. 

Eleven years, eh. 

Wowsers bowsers.

About to get mauled by a bear. Also, there's a polar bear back there. 

Light plans- go out and have a feast and a few beverages, have a relaxing time, and love each other and not be hurried by the world for just a minute.. 

Because it's all about the love, folks. That is what is important.

Not tinsel and trees.

Not presents and wrapping and bows and all that. 


In case we don't speak again before, y'all have a merry Christmas. 

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