04 November 2014

Ready to put in some work.

Alright, let's get reacquainted.

Firing it back up, time to get serious about the diet and get some good base training underway.

As to methods being used, I am perusing the Renaissance Diet and the Juggernaut Method. I don't claim to have the best, most thorough understanding of either as I am still reading through them, but I have culled what I believe are some of the general principles or the high level concepts. I am running with those for now and as I read more and gain a more thorough understanding of them, I will keep sharpening the axe, so to speak.

One of the biggest things I will be working on, from a diet standpoint, is honing the macro balance to more closely match the Renn Diet recommendations, as I know I am not currently in line with them and probably won't be for a minute. Current targets are 2700kcals/day on non lifting days, 3000kcals/day on lifting days. Macros are not set in stone yet, but it looks like around 225g/day protein (or more) with carbs and fat undecided, but trying to keep them relatively low.

At least as compared to the standard American diet.

Goals are pretty open at this point. Short term diet goal is to get under 220lbs bodyweight without letting the lifting suffer. No real time frame there except to try to get there in the next six months or so- want to hit it before next selected meet, which should be next spring.

Lifting goal is much broader than even that, currently only working on rebuilding my base strength and honing technique in the big three lifts. Juggernaut appears to be good for that with the higher rep work built in, so that's what we'll roll for right now.

Also trying to get back into the habit of early morning lifting. Yay.

As an aside, it's kind of funny that when you do a Google image search for "alarm clock" very few of them are shown as displaying a time earlier than 6:00AM

First morning in was last Tuesday, 28 October. This morning was a nice little "getting to know" session - early morning sesh + Juggernaut intro.

Woke up easy enough (for me), at about 4:30AM, brushed teeth and packed up, made a couple of brotein shakes and took a caffeine pill, and was out the door by a little after 5:00AM. Made the gym by 5:45AM and proceeded to warm up.

But apparently not enough.

The first few weeks of a Juggernaut cycle are the "10s wave", based on sets of 10 at a certain percentage. Because squats are special, the first day of a training week seems to always be squat day, and this was certainly no exception. I'll detail the programming coming up, but I can already tell I like the work, despite straining a quad or cramping it or whatever.

Point being, need more warm up and cool down, because I had DOMS in my quads and ass for the next four days solid.

This is going to be fun.

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