03 September 2013

Back home, back at it...

Came back in Friday night, picked up at the airport by my lovely wife and daughter.

Few things about the trip and this Labor Day weekend-

1) Working without training makes one soft. Yeah, it was only most of a week, but that time away made me feel like the ass. Too much time at work without being home and at my home gym equals a lot of sagging, dragging ass. Back in the gym Saturday for a short squat session while some of the team was in Manchester getting the work done made me feel a bit better. Hit it back up yesterday for some bench rehab work made me feel a little better still. Just goes to show you- keep the work up and it will keep you up.

2) Diet has been shit. Yeah, it was kind of like a diet vacation what with being in a new area and all, but no excuse. Shouldn't have eaten as much as I did (and what I did) for the lack of output. Sitting at about 246 this morning after a low of about 229 in the last training cycle. While bodyweight isn't necessarily the biggest worry, body composition is up there. Need to scale it back a bit, smarten the diet up and get back some of this lost progress.

3) Need to increase daily stretching/warm up. Too much desk time here and in Jersey has really gotten my hips stiff and my legs overly tight. We went to the zoo over the weekend for a members night and walked about a billion miles... in my flip flops. Normally this would not be a huge deal but my right knee was stiff and sore for a good day or two afterward. Between getting soft and letting age take advantage of me, this stuff takes its toll. I don't know that I will ever be a yoga devotee but a little stretching every day wouldn't hurt.

On the flip side, the team competed in Manchester, TN this weekend and did rather well. First place team, several elite totals (including homedawg bmac), and a best lifter award. Awesome to see the guys doing well and makes me eager to get my shit healed and get back on the platform.

Hells to the yeah.

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