18 September 2014

T1 - Transmutation Block, Week 1 for November 2014 Meet


What a funny word.


/ˌtrænz mjuːˈteɪ ʃən/


1. the act or process of transmuting.
2. the fact or state of being transmuted.
3. change into another nature, substance, form, or condition.
4. Biology. the transformation of one species into another.

So that's what this middle block is all about. 

To bring us back up to speed on the overarching program, I am running a block periodization style program. This consists of three waves, or "blocks". The first block, Accumulation, is about some hypertrophy and laying a base for the work to come. The second and current block, Transmutation, is about transforming what we have accumulated, molding that base from a general specificity toward sport specificity, until we finish out with the last block- Realization. This final block will be the most sport specific, where the focus will be on finalizing the power for our "power lifts". 

Generally, the main movements will be getting more specific toward the "big three" of squat, bench, and deadlift, and the accessory work is toning down in volume, to a degree, but will be more specific towards building the main movement.

Metal break, mainly for David

See, David? Soooooooooooooooooo much better than Nickelback. Or Five Finger Death Punch.

But I digress. Here's what occurred in T1... 

T1A - ME Squat, 9/4/2014:

  • Warm up, stretch - about 10min
  • Buffalo bar squat - Worked up to 3x450 + reverse EliteFTS average Pro bands, then 1x480 + same bands
  • Lockouts w/buffalo bar - 5x1x10sec holds @ 500lbs
  • Top range pin squats w/buffalo bar - 3x7x410lbs 

Did this sesh in the Oly shoes as I think I am leaning toward them so far for squatting. Screwed the pooch on what was supposed to be 3x475lbs- curved buffalo bar + tight left shoulder causing the right side to dip even more = right side JUST catching on the hook on the walk out. I'll have to remember to set the hooks a notch lower next time. Really wanted to get that 3x475 and go on to try 3x495, but I let it punk me out. 

Next time. 

Still beats last meet cycle's first transmutation week with a straight bar, so I guess I am reasonably content with that for now. 

You would think with the heavier bar weight that the backward pull of the bands would be lessened, but apparently that is not so. 

I lived. I learned. I will pass on.

T1B - ME Bench, 9/6/2014:

More reverse bands, more fun times.

  • Warm up, shoulder traction - about 5min
  • Bench to 3 board - worked up to 3x295lbs + reverse orange bands
  • Pin bench press, pin @ about middle of press - 2x225lbs, 2x205lbs, 5x185lbs, 7x165lbs, 10x145lbs
  • Barbell rows, bench grip width - 5x10x135lbs

The fun of this sesh was figuring out how to do this movement without a training partner. I got a suggestion or two from David, the owner of NBS and coach of the NBS powerlifting team, and eventually settled on setting the hooks at my normal height, safeties set right below that, then with the three board stuffed under my shirt.

Held alright.

Still a bit bummed that this work was not up to numbers level of last meet cycle more than a year ago, but it's coming along.

T1C - DE Squat, 9/8/2014:

This was a decent sesh, even if I did jack it up a little bit.

  • Wait for a god damned bathroom to change in because Christian has to primp his damn mohawk and someone wanted to talk every time the other bathroom opened up - easily 30min
  • Stretch, warm up - about 10min
  • Dynamic squat business - 8x3x250lbs + two chains/side
  • Seated upper back extension w/ EliteFTS SSB/yoke bar - 10xbar, 10x130lbs, 7x170lbs, 7x220lbs, 7x260lbs

So you will note that I did eight sets of three- as written, it should have been eight sets of two. Wondered why I was getting more fatigued than normal halfway through the sets. 

That and my conditioning sucks.

But that's not important right now.

Okay, so maybe it is. 

Moving on.

One of the big issues has been my left shoulder and its tightness, and the corresponding elbow/shoulder flare in my squatting. About halfway through this sesh I think I finally figured out how to keep my elbows down during the descent of the squat, need to figure it out a little better in the ascent. Should be a combination of cranking them down plus kicking the head back/chest up a bit at the beginning of the ascent to help keep the upright posture. More work on that and progress notes.

T1D - DE Bench, 9/10/2014:

  • Warm up, band traction - about 10min
  • Bench - 9x3x130lbs + 2 chains/side
  • Dumbbell incline bench - 3x5x50lbs, 4x5x60lbs
  • Bench grip width barbell row - 5x8x155lbs
  • External rotations, rapid/short ROM - 5x10 per arm with doubled over EliteFTS orange pro micro mini band, no rest between sets
  • Ministry video: 

So really a pretty decent sesh, if nothing really of note. Did work as written, got accessories in, including that last set of external rotations as recommended by the PT/chiro homey at the gym, Doc Jason Martinez. More on that in a minute...

Die Arbeit Video-

Bing bang bong.

In other news, I finally got together with Jason, not so resident chiro/PT bro, and went through a consult and started work on getting my tight shoulder and T spine worked on. Jason is a good dude, lifts, and does (so far) good work. We went over my injury history, symptoms, and issues and started into the deep tissue work and an adjustment, followed by dry needling across both traps and my upper back, shoulder, and upper arm on the left side. While it's definitely not the most pleasant process in the entire world, I think we have already started some good things working. By the time we got to dry needling, I was face down on the massage table thingy, second knuckles on my right hand touching the ground, and basically left fingertips touching the ground. After we were done, the left hand knuckles were touching the ground and I felt like I had been kicked by a horse a few times, but all was good.

Thank you, Google image search

That Friday, 9/12, was supposed to be the start of Transmutation, week 2, starting with ME squats as routine dictates, but as good as it felt having gotten all that work done on my back/shoulder/arm, there was no squatting to be had that night- my traps might have literally jumped off of me, slapped me about the face and neck, and walked out. I did test a few days later when I actually did the ME squat sesh (9/15) and all seemed good- left shoulder didn't have the typical pop up with the left elbow flaring back like it had been doing.

And in completely other news, diet is chugging along. As mentioned previously, shifting over to more whole foods, ~2800 kcal/day, 200g protein/day. Looks like 10 day average for caloric intake has been a little over 2700 kcals/day, protein sitting at about 190 g/day. At start of diet about a week ago, I was sitting at about 256lbs. Body weight was 254 this morning.

I also managed to resist most of the fair food at the Cooper Young Festival this past weekend, even if a trip to Schweinehaus almost got me off track.

IIFYM, right?

More on Schweinehaus some other time.

Go forth and laissez le bon temps rouler.

Mother trucker.

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