s previously discussed, I started actively training for the upcoming November SPF meet, organized by NBS, on the 29th of July. For this training cycle, I have decided to run with block periodization, a la the cycle for my first meet, as it yielded very positive results and despite the upper back injury, I hope to be able to apply my accumulated knowledge with a little better focus to keep those results rolling.
If you are unfamiliar with block periodization, there is a good write up on it here, but the long and short of the methodology is that there are multiple "blocks" of training that move in order of specificity from sort of general skills trained progressing toward very specific skills trained- in this instance moving from general strength, hypertrophy, and mobility for powerlifting toward peak performance of the actual lifts of the squat, bench, and deadlift for a powerlifting meet. In this program, we train the squat and bench twice a week each (twice every nine to ten days in my case with the three day a week schedule)- once each in the "Max Effort" (ME) method, essentially your "heavy" days, then once each again in the "Dynamic Effort" method, where the emphasis is explosive force or speed over more sets in a short period of time. Deadlifts are programmed every two weeks and are typically max effort.
If you are unfamiliar with the programming, you were probably just scandalized by the infrequency of deadlift training programmed.
Two things on this - (1) with only deadlifting every two weeks, I was still able to put more than 50 pounds on my deadlift last 12 week meet training cycle, and (2) I can always deadlift more as accessory to squats, etc.
Cool your jets, Merlin, Maverick, and Goose.
You're welcome for the gifs, by the way.
Yesterday saw the completion of the first week of training for the November meet come to completion. Guess you can't really call it a week, as it is closer to ten days how I have my schedule set up, but "Accumulation 1" is done. Good times overall, and while it is a bit early to gauge progress, the work feels good, despite some issues getting back into the swing of things.
Yesterday saw the completion of the first week of training for the November meet come to completion. Guess you can't really call it a week, as it is closer to ten days how I have my schedule set up, but "Accumulation 1" is done. Good times overall, and while it is a bit early to gauge progress, the work feels good, despite some issues getting back into the swing of things.
Here is what occurred:
A1A - ME Squat, 7/29/2014:
- Warm up, stretch - about 5min (definitely should have been longer)
- Safety Squat/Yoke Bar to low box - 5x262lbs + one chain/side
- Reverse Hyper - 3x10x90lbs
- SSB good morning - 3x10x127lbs
All in all a good sesh. I will freely admit to pussing out and not not getting the weight I wanted- at the very least I should have gone another chain per side, and should have kept the handles lower BUT I have to say that I was happy with the depth, at least.
Dig it:
Yeah, yeah.
I haven't even busted out the Soffes yet.
Hit the aforementioned accessory work and was done- low back and hips toasted.
A1B - ME Bench, 7/31/2014:
- Short warm up
- Swiss Bar bench - worked up to 5x145lbs + one chain/side, 2x2x145 + two chains/side
- Lat pull down, paused, straight handle 4x10x100lbs
- Cable rope handle press down - 10x80lbs
- Cable rope handle press down, left arm only - 3x8x30lbs
- Band pull aparts - 3x15 w/red Pro mini band
Another good training session. As has been said before, bench is my most dropped lift what with the injury of last year and my subsequent jack leggery for rehab/therapy (or the lack thereof), so it felt good to do bench on the alternate bar and push. As much as I hated only being able to get two reps each on those last working sets, it felt good to HAVE to grind them out.
I am a bit behind last year's numbers here (5x135lbs + 2 chains/side) but in addition to not being injured last year, last year's Accumulation block was spent on the straight bar to spend more time on the competition movements and help ingrain patterns, etc.
No video, just trust me.
No video, just trust me.
A1C - DE Squat, 8/3/2014:
- Little more extensive warm up, but hips still tight
- 8x2x205lbs + two chains/side to a slightly high box (set at fourth hole), roughly one minute rest between sets
- Reverse hyper - 4x10x115lbs
- Deadlift - 225 + doubled over EliteFTS Intense or Aggressive Onyx Band, see below for reps
This one was some decent work, but the hips were pretty tight. Should have been a parallel box (third hole), but with the tightness going on I went ahead and brought it up a notch and rolled. Got a little video of it, set to some fine tunes.
So I lost track of which video was which set during editing. I'm sorry, puddin'.
Note the tight left shoulder that I fought with throughout the sets- didn't seem to hinder the squatting, but I had to consciously drop the left elbow to get it aligned anywhere near the right. Need to get some more external rotation work in on that side. Also, the still tight left hip and my attempt at conscious correction. Again, more external rotation work needed there. Talked to Jason at NXT Level Chiropractic a bit more on it, and while I still need to get my happy ass up there on a Saturday that he's in, or just to his shop in general, he still thinks more constant maintenance is needed.
And for some reason, as I sit and type this, I don't have my TENS unit on the shoulder. Wow.
Sweet move, dude.
Anyhoo, wrapped it up with some accessory, a little band toe turn outs on the left leg and external rotations on the left arm, and joined Craig and Brian in the deadlift area for a little mental torture. They had wrapped up squatting and were doing some speed pulls. 225lb bar weight plus some doubled over Onyx bands (either "Intense" or "Aggressive", not sure which), and I'll be honest- freaking heavy. First two pulls I had to square my shit away and lock my form back in- barely pulled it off the ground. The next went most of the way up, but fell pretty far short of lockout. The fourth I managed to grind into lockout, belted up, then managed to get the lift with RELATIVE ease, at least not a 10 second grinder.
As Craig said, bro hugs, man. Bro hugs.
Okay, TENS is hooked up and cranked now.
A1D - DE Bench, 8.6/2014:
- 8x3x125lbs w/2 chains per side, roughly minute rest between sets
- Band pull aparts 4x15 w/ EliteFTS red band
- Band pulls, left side only- 4x5 w/red band
- Dumbbell incline bench, 4x10x45lbs
- Incline dumbbell bench, left only, 3x10x35lbs
- Lat pull down 4x10x100lbs
Another decent sesh.
Admittedly, it would have helped if I was paying attention to the program and only loaded up one chain per side- probably would have gotten a little more speed out of those speed presses, eh? Whoopsy. Next time more plate, less chain.
At any rate, good work, even if the last set was pretty slow at lockout. Got some extra pressing and band pulls on the bad left side to help work that back into shape along with the regular accessory work and called it a day.
So there you have it, week one, or "A1" in the bag. A2 will pretty much be this same schedule of lifts with the numbers upped a notch and some deathlifts added on DE Squat day.
It's gonna rock dat ass.
And speaking of rocking dat ass
Yes, though we were just graced with the release of the Decline and Fall EP not too long ago, the advent of a full length album, A World Lit Only by Fire, is coming soon. October 6th, according to the man himself. Until then, Captain Broadrick and First Mate Green have released a new track to tickle your oodly bits, titled "New Dark Ages".
Go forth and believe in nussing, Lebovski.
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