08 January 2013

Team NBS day 1, here come da powerlifting

So we wrapped up the first training session of Team NBS powerlifting last night (also recounted in team mate Porter's blog here). Good things from our first session. The team is a good mix of folks at or close to their raw elite totals and a handful of us (me included) that are not and all with different experience levels. Seemed like a pretty good first go as we all figure out the processes and rotations- 10 or 12 lifters on the team with limited time, space, and equipment, along with team and coaching dynamics necessitates focus, rotation, and order amidst chaos. I had a good overall first experience with the team and have nothing but a  positive outlook on our continued performance.

As to particulars of the day, it was max effort squat day- low box squat, heavy(ish) set of five reps, add chains to heavy set of five. Mad props to the team for driving us all forward- always good to have people there to push you to do things you wouldn't normally do. Seems to be the motto of the team- getting it like pit bulls on dbol.

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