weet Jesus, it has finally happened. After much life, trials and tribulations, a holiday, and a stomach bug, I am FINALLY wrapping up my first wave of the Juggernaut Method AND I am getting to write about it.
The most hardcore of the hardcore will tell you that training comes first, nothing should stand in the way of striving for powerlifting excellence, etc, but let's face it - ain't no meets paying my bills. Bruh gotta eat and a family gotta be taken care of EVERY so often.
I dare say they actually like seeing me from time to time.
I knew that I as going to take a little longer than the standard four weeks prescribed to complete a wave, but damn. First day on Juggernaut was way back on 10/28, just now hitting the first day of the next wave, "8s", as of 12/15. So basically what should have taken about five weeks (call it a nine or ten day week how I have it programmed, as opposed to a seven day week as it is written) has taken about six.
At any rate, nothing truly spectacular happened during this cycle or its last week, but I did add a little to every lift, so there is a little progress. If I can manage to stay on the wagon through this next wave we should see even more progress, gains will be reaped, glory will be had (not really), etc.
Just realized that I hadn't posted up on the second "week" of the wave.
In keeping with the format of block periodization, Smith has dubbed the second week "Transformation", then week three is "Realization", then a deload, Loosely speaking, the Transformation week work is for the same number of sets as in the Accumulation week, but for fewer reps- if Accumulation 10s was for ten sets of five reps, then Transformation 10s was ten sets of three reps at slightly increased weights, more reps on last sets. Keep in mind that I am following the "Inverse Juggernaut" pattern, so as the program was originally written Accumulation and Transformation weeks would be five sets of ten reps and three sets of ten reps (more reps on last sets), respectively. Realization is done in essentially a 5/3/1 pattern, with max reps for the last set, then training max for the next wave based on a calculation using those reps over the standard for the wave.
Confused? Go buy the book, as linked in the first paragraph of this post.
I even remembered my add reps on all sets for the Transformation week. Yay, me.
Quick last week wrap up:
10s wave, Realization 1: Squat Day
Just realized that I hadn't posted up on the second "week" of the wave.
In keeping with the format of block periodization, Smith has dubbed the second week "Transformation", then week three is "Realization", then a deload, Loosely speaking, the Transformation week work is for the same number of sets as in the Accumulation week, but for fewer reps- if Accumulation 10s was for ten sets of five reps, then Transformation 10s was ten sets of three reps at slightly increased weights, more reps on last sets. Keep in mind that I am following the "Inverse Juggernaut" pattern, so as the program was originally written Accumulation and Transformation weeks would be five sets of ten reps and three sets of ten reps (more reps on last sets), respectively. Realization is done in essentially a 5/3/1 pattern, with max reps for the last set, then training max for the next wave based on a calculation using those reps over the standard for the wave.
Confused? Go buy the book, as linked in the first paragraph of this post.
I even remembered my add reps on all sets for the Transformation week. Yay, me.
Quick last week wrap up:
10s wave, Realization 1: Squat Day
This was a short session, had to get in and out fairly quickly and everyone wanted to be all Talky Talkenstein.
- Warm up, stretch - about 10min
- Box jumps - 4s 5r
- Squat - worked up to a set of 11 @ 260lbs
Did you know that dancing to Meshuggah is a thing? As in, there are a ton of videos on the intertubes where people have synced up dance performances to Meshuggah songs? It's bloody amazing, and now you will all suffer for it.
Nice and straightforward day, got my work in and got out.
- Warm up, stretch - about 10min
- Bench - worked up to a set of 11 @ 150lbs
- Incline dumbbell bench - 5r @ 40lbs, 5r @ 50lbs, 5r @ 60lbs, 5r @ 65lbs
- Straight bar lat pulldown - 10r @ 100lbs, 8r @ 110lbs, 5r @ 120, 5r @ 140lbs, 5r @ 150lbs
- Straight fat bar press down - 5s 5r @ 150lbs
- Band pull aparts - 4s 15r w/ EliteFTS red mini Pro band
10s wave, Realization 3: Deadlift Day
- Warm up, stretch - about 10min
- Box jumps - 5s 5r
- Deadlift, sumo - worked up to a set of 12 @ 260lbs
- RDL a la Duffin - 10 @ 135lbs, 155, 175, 195
- Tbar row, slow - 4s 8r @ 45lbs
Not an awful day of deadlifting, though That shows I am still weaker than a few months ago. Think I did something similar with 300+ previously. Oh yeah, I did.
I am excited to see where I am with these in another few months of running this program. It seems I do better with volume in deadlifting and squats, so hopefully this is right where I need to run.
I even managed to remember a video. Shitty, shitty video:
10s wave, Realization 4: Press Day
This was another that felt pretty good when it all came down to it. I was honestly a little worried about making or exceeding goal on this one (10 reps +) as (1) I missed the press day on the previous week and (2) press has always been my weakest lift - especially after hurting my back/shoulder last year.
- Warm up, traction - about 10min
- Press - worked up to a set of 13 @ 100lbs
- Klokov press - 4s 8r @ 85lbs
- Tbar row, slow neutral grip - 4s 8r @ 45lbs
- Straight fat bar cable press down - 5s 5r @ 150lbs
- Band pull apart - 4s 15r w/ EliteFTS red mini Pro band
As one of the fellas at the gym said, I probably cheated by kipping off of my beard. Wish I had video of it, but alas, the phone is largely relegated to timer duties to keep me on track so I have not been doing much video.
There is always Meshuggah, though.
Followed those all up with a shorted deload and we're all wrapped up. All the work is feeling good, save for that first squat day in the wave- high quantity sets of five are absolutely killing my legs. As mentioned, I am squatting a little differently now, but sheeeeeeit. As mentioned, currently into the first week of the "8s" wave, and it is really no different, DOMS, wise. Legs are murdered for multiple days after the squat training sesh, points to need for improved recovery processes and more stretching before AND after needed.
Stay tuned and destroy.