ransmutation week 2 is in the bag and week 3 is well under way. Sorry for the delay between updates, been a busy bee lately.
The creeping demon of doubt is starting to dig its filthy, dirty little claws into my program. I'll detail a little more in next post, but getting into some squat technique issues and the shoulder related base strength issues are starting to make November look like a "should not".
I am basically eight weeks out at this point, and while I knew full well that the shoulder would be an issue going into the training cycle, I'm not sure that enough progress has been made to participate in this meet.
As mentioned, I am into T3 a bit at this point, should be benching soon and will test to gauge progress. Maybe we can stuff that mother trucker back in the closet where he belongs.
And as an aside, and I am sure I have posted this up before, but here is one of the finest pieces of heavy music in the last 30 years:
And as an aside, and I am sure I have posted this up before, but here is one of the finest pieces of heavy music in the last 30 years:
At any rate, time will tell and updates will come. Until then, here is the shizzle that went down in Transmutation, week 2...
T2A - ME Squat, 9/15/2014:
This was the last of two days of max effort work on the Buffalo bar. Got the previous week beat, if not by what I wanted.
- Buffalo bar squat - Worked up to 3x460lbs + reverse grey bands
- RDL - 20xbar, 10x135lbs, 10x185lbs, 5x8x225lbs
Again, not bad work, just didn't quite have it to kill more weights. Also not real happy with my depth, but there you go.
This shit's going to get boring quick if I don't feel like writing much.
T2B - ME Bench, 9/17/2014:
Hit this one late, so not a ton to it.
- Bench - worked up to 2x305lbs + reverse EliteFTS orange light Pro bands to 3 board, failed on second rep at 2x315lbs
- Bench grip bent over barbell rows - 5x8x155lbs
- Klokov press - 3x10x80lbs
- External rotation, arms down w/90° bend - 3x20/each arm w/ doubled over EliteFTS orange micro mini pro band
So I managed to beat last week's weight, but did fail with a little more greed. Check out the videos, pretty plain to see that I screwed up the bench by getting out of groove, need to get the triceps stronger and get the back more stable. With how I press, this should be a short, vertical press and not a "J" press
T2C - DE Squat, Missed:
That would be why there is no detail here.
I decided this night was better spent with family, as the schedule has been putting a strain on our relationship and causing disruption. So that's what I did.
Balance, homies and homettes.
I would normally put some metal right about here, but you are probably still listening to that Neurosis track, yes?
T2D - DE Bench, 9/22/2014:
Pretty decent feeling sesh, really, even if I should be pushing more weight. This one was:
- 9x3x135lbs w/two chains/side
- Incline dumbbell press - 4x8x50lbs
- Bench grip bent over barbell row - 4x10x135lbs
- Klokov press - 10xbar, 10x65lbs, 10x85lbs, 8x75lbs, 10x65lbs
- Standing side external rotation- alternate arm 3x20 w/EliteFTS orange micro mini Pro band
- Dumbbell shoulder rotation stretch - 20 internal/external each arm
No video, nothing crazy.
Just good ol' sesh work.
Go forth and stuff and things.
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