Sorry for the delay in updates, been a busy busy bee lately and don't seem to be slowing down much.
Cutting to the chase, this sesh post will get you the run down on the last three sessions- a bench sesh, a squat sesh, another bench sesh with some deathlifts- with a few notes on stuff and things.
But no video. Wah wah.
We'll sing kumbaya and be buddies later.
For the bench sesh on Monday, here's what occurred:
- Bench - 2x5xbar, 5x95lbs, 5x135lbs, 5x155lbs, 5x175lbs, 3x185lbs, 3x8x135lbs
- Tbar row, paused - 4x8x55lbs
- OHP - 10xbar, 7x95lbs, 5x105lbs, 5x115lbs, 5x105lbs, 4x95lbs, 10xbar
- Face pull, cable, paused, pronated grip - 15x70lbs, 10x80lbs, 10x90lbs, 10x100lbs
Better sesh than the previous, for sure, but still not quite there. My sets went swimmingly up through the set at 175lbs, but the 185lbs got my goat. I am sure part of that was lifting without carbs, etc, but there were technical issues as well.
I had Porter lift off and spot my last set(s) at 185lbs, and we observed a few things. The first was elbow tuck, which was observed to be excessive. Bring grip in one finger, little more flair, fixed. The second was tightness in the back and hips, just wasn't there. I think the tightness was a queueing mistake, as I can tighten my lats enough to cramp, think it was fatigue and spacing out with the bad grip, etc.
Stuff to work on.
On to squats from 4/23, the occurrence:
- Squat - 2x5xbar, 5x135lbs, 5x185lbs, 5x225lbs, 5x275lbs, 5x315lbs, 2x,then 3x355lbs
- Good mornings, little outside squat width - 10x135lbs, 10x155lbs, 10x175lbs
- Standing cable crunches, paused - 10x90lbs, 10x100lbs, 10x110lbs, 10x120lbs
Similar issues here. I am now into the carbloaded phase of carb backloading, so I don't think that is to blame here, exclusively, though there may be a slight loss of strength due to that and what I am realizing to be a way to infrequent squat/deathlift rotation.
Hips and depth were all good (no video, you'll just have to believe me), but I am having a shit tendency of the bar rolling down my back and mis-setting. Again, Porter spotting, observance was twofold- bar set too low so that when I slam the bottom (huh huh huh... cool...) and transfer to press up, the combination of my back settling and the bar disruption is making it slide down a little each rep. I also think that my set up is as such that my back is largely contacting the smooth areas of the bar.
Fixes for now?
1) get a stronger back
2) use the Texas squat or Mastodon bar (broader knurling)
3) go back to the claw/drop pinky grip.
Huh. Remember that?
I could have sworn we learned that before.
Oh yeah.
We did.
Sometimes we need glaring reminders, no? Like a non-beard growing former team member suggesting it.
Friday, 4/25... another bench sesh with some deathlifts added in for good measure.
This (at least the title) seems appropriate...
The occurrence:
Much better bench sesh overall, got back up to my 5x185lbs bench and probably could have gone on to 190 or 195lbs but I didn't want to push my luck. They went up fast and smooth enough. Tightness seemed to be much improved and bringing the grip in a finger seems to be serving me well so far.
Afterward my last deathlift sesh and taking forever to get my technique locked in, I decided to throw more in on this sesh. The reason to throw them in here seemed fairly obvious to me- 1) a bruh needs more sumo technique work, and 2) back and posterior chain work, always back and posterior chain work. Sumo went decently well, decently consistent, and seemed to get everything pretty well locked in. Still trying to get my shoulder and upper back locked in properly after taking the bar to aid in pulling the slack out, but everything seems to be going better. Hips are slowly starting to open up and rotation is improving.
All coming along nicely.
Switched up accessory work a bit, keeping with the ideas of rows and pressing. Haven't done barbell rows in forever, so I went ahead and threw them in, moved on to the usual overhead pressing with the drop/strip set technique. This got the shoulders pretty well fatigued, but the triceps still wanted some work, so I went with the press downs with extra work for the left (injured/rehabbing) arm. Felt good to dedicate a little work to it.
And Melissa, one of the ladies at the gym, brought a bunch of Reese's peanut butter eggs to the gym.
Like a lot.
Got out of the gym late after the late start, went over to a friend's house for a bit to say "howdy" for their birthday (after the purchase of a post workout/carb backloaded double Backyard Burger and a Dr Pepper), and hit the sack at about midnight to get up at 4:00AM to head up to Blytheville with Christian and Porter to attend the SPF meet on Saturday.
Why get up at 4:00AM to drive about an hour to a meet that starts at 8:30AM? Why, to have breakfast at IHOP, of course!
Which is totally not worth getting up at 4:00AM.
But, apparently Perkins doesn't open until 6:00AM. Meh.
Anyhoo, meet was good- Jim and I ended up judging, as expected. Good meet ran well overall (Danny and team at Riston always seem to do a good job), NBS team represented well (Austin brought back an elite total at 198), and a good time was had by all.
Except Jim, who got shitty Mexican food.
It sounds like NBS is going to be putting on the November meet again. Hmmmmmmmmmmm...
Ghost in Chattanooga in May?
Go forth and destroy.
Oh yeah.
We did.
Sometimes we need glaring reminders, no? Like a non-beard growing former team member suggesting it.
Friday, 4/25... another bench sesh with some deathlifts added in for good measure.
This (at least the title) seems appropriate...
The occurrence:
- Stretch, etc for about 10 minutes
- Bench - 2x5xbar, 5x95lbs, 5x135lbs, 5x155lbs, 5x185lbs
- Deathlifts, sumo for technique, all reset completely - 5x135lbs, 4x5x225lbs
- Bent over barbell row - 3x10x135lbs
- OHP, strict - 5xbar, 5x95lbs, strip set 5x115, 5x95;bs, 5x75lbs, 5x65lbs, 10xbar
- Fat bar triceps press down - 10x80lbs, 10x90lbs, 10x100lbs
- Cable pressdown, left arm only - 10x30lbs, 10x40lbs, 10x30lbs, 20lbs to burnout (20reps twice?)
Much better bench sesh overall, got back up to my 5x185lbs bench and probably could have gone on to 190 or 195lbs but I didn't want to push my luck. They went up fast and smooth enough. Tightness seemed to be much improved and bringing the grip in a finger seems to be serving me well so far.
Afterward my last deathlift sesh and taking forever to get my technique locked in, I decided to throw more in on this sesh. The reason to throw them in here seemed fairly obvious to me- 1) a bruh needs more sumo technique work, and 2) back and posterior chain work, always back and posterior chain work. Sumo went decently well, decently consistent, and seemed to get everything pretty well locked in. Still trying to get my shoulder and upper back locked in properly after taking the bar to aid in pulling the slack out, but everything seems to be going better. Hips are slowly starting to open up and rotation is improving.
All coming along nicely.
Switched up accessory work a bit, keeping with the ideas of rows and pressing. Haven't done barbell rows in forever, so I went ahead and threw them in, moved on to the usual overhead pressing with the drop/strip set technique. This got the shoulders pretty well fatigued, but the triceps still wanted some work, so I went with the press downs with extra work for the left (injured/rehabbing) arm. Felt good to dedicate a little work to it.
And Melissa, one of the ladies at the gym, brought a bunch of Reese's peanut butter eggs to the gym.
Like a lot.
Got out of the gym late after the late start, went over to a friend's house for a bit to say "howdy" for their birthday (after the purchase of a post workout/carb backloaded double Backyard Burger and a Dr Pepper), and hit the sack at about midnight to get up at 4:00AM to head up to Blytheville with Christian and Porter to attend the SPF meet on Saturday.
Why get up at 4:00AM to drive about an hour to a meet that starts at 8:30AM? Why, to have breakfast at IHOP, of course!
Which is totally not worth getting up at 4:00AM.
But, apparently Perkins doesn't open until 6:00AM. Meh.
Anyhoo, meet was good- Jim and I ended up judging, as expected. Good meet ran well overall (Danny and team at Riston always seem to do a good job), NBS team represented well (Austin brought back an elite total at 198), and a good time was had by all.
Except Jim, who got shitty Mexican food.
It sounds like NBS is going to be putting on the November meet again. Hmmmmmmmmmmm...
Ghost in Chattanooga in May?
Go forth and destroy.
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