11 March 2014

Training Sesh 3/9/14 - the rent is too damn high

So maybe it ain't the rent... Memphis has a reasonably low cost of living, after all... more like the demands of my Six Sigma project are too damn high.

Or the time I spend at work doing it. The demands are fine, just having to cram them into a short time frame on the front end.


It's been too long between training sessions.

Last time I was at the jamesnasium was the previous Saturday, so it had been over a week since I had been in last, and that was front skwatz, deathlift, etc. I wasn't real sure how this one would turn out but I was determined to make a go of it.

Here's what occurred:
  • Squat - 5xbar, 5x135lbs, 5x185lbs, 5x225lbs, 5x275lbs, 5x315lbs, 3x335lbs
  • Bench - 2x5xbar, 5x95lbs, 5x135lbs, 5x155lbs, 3x170lbs (fail @ 4)
  • Slow Tbar row w/3 count holds at top - 4x8x45lbs
  • Reverse Hyper - 3x10x90lbs
  • Standing cable crunch - 4x10x100lbs
First - trained by myself and I forgot to get video. Deal with it.

Second - Kinda felt like a bitch. Not going to lie. The 3x335lbs squat should have been at least four, but the confidence level wasn't there. Having missed my last several regularly scheduled days, I am a little surprised I got what I got- it was damn near two weeks since my last standard squat day, and more than a week since my last front squat day.


The goal was 5x335lbs and I just didn't have it. I was resolved to get under it, but apparently not to get it.

Grr poo wussy puff.

Third - Bench. Not a huge surprise, but a little frustrating as I had hit that weight and rep set before. The first few reps flowed pretty well, but the failed rep was failure- I lost my shoulder tightness and it pretty much collapsed. I didn't drop the bar on myself, but it wasn't going up, for sure. My buddy, Scott, was spotting me and was giving me a tuck command for that elbow, but now I am wondering if it shouldn't have been a lat and a flared elbow, his comment after was that I was essentially pulling the bar down offset, favoring the weak side.

Grr poo wussy puff.

Either way, need more work there still. Been slacking on the external rotation work and band pull aparts. Despite paused TBar rows I think these need to be added back in.

I commented to someone at the jamesnasium, think it was Adam, after he asked how the shoulder was doing. I went on to tell him how I was pretty sure the nerve damage was healed up but I was still in the rebuilding phase after having the left side triceps atrophy and weaken.

You know how you'll hear dudes describe the shape of the tricep as a horseshoe, ie, "Check out this horseshoe, brah".

Yeah, my left side is more like a My Little Pony slipper.

This is pretty much what is going on in my left shoulder and triceps.

Le sigh.

Oh, and this happened at work the other day.

Just something you're going to have to deal with.

Also Meshuggah.

And as a little sad, the team had a few lifters at the Knoxville SPF Pro/Am meet Saturday, and it sounded like mixed results. Three lifters went in, only two walked out.

With a total.

Porter, David, and Tee went up. Porter ended with a 1170 total (420 squat, 250 bench, 500 deadlift), David went up and lifted geared, hit a 825 squat, tweaked his upper back, and had to back out of the meet. Tee ended up not with a 1860 total at 242. I think he was shooting for a 1900 total. The man DID just squat at the Arnold and is at a hefty clip with meets.

Porter is making improvements, which is awesome, and Tee was strong as always, but I know he wants more. We all do. I am sure David was disappointed in having to back out of the meet, but it was the right thing to do- we train for the long haul and making a dumb decision can ensure you don't ever do another meet.

And as meets pass, I get itchy for my next one.

Must train. Must improve. I'll be back.

As an aside, as I was wrapping up the sesh Craig and Bryan, couple of other geared lifter bros, were starting to warm up. Craig made mention of being tagged in a previous post here and, jokingly, was afraid of saying something that would get him fired.

I am here to tell you...

Today is not that day.

Sleep well, Larson. Sleep well.

Go forth and destroy.

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