So, ladies and Jim, I have to warn you, got a little bit of
coming up.
Overall not the most exciting training sesh, but got a little bit of good work in and pretty much decided on course of action going forward for the rehab and upper body stuffs.
But first, here is what occurred:
- Squat - 2x5xbar, 5x95lbs, 5x135lbs, 5x185lbs, 5x225lbs, 5x275lbs, 5x315lbs, 5x345lbs
- Bench - 2x5xbar, 5x95lbs, 5x135lbs, 5x155lbs, 3x8x135lbs
And that was it.
Simple as pie. Maybe more simple. Main lifts ran long, had to run to meet some family for dinner.
Even got you some video.
Remember that meme above? If you have already forgotten, here it is again:

You know, because the other one was so far away.
5x225lbs, checking form, et al, at an angle only Porter and Jim can appreciate:
Depth check good, blah blah blah.
Darrell was about training and was good enough to lend a hand spotting my last few sets, which leads us here:
The video angle is terrible but you can tell they were a bit high, but the work is there. Par usual, need to work on getting my hips opened up and sitting a little more back.
On to bench, which I honestly kind of rushed through, not focusing on pushing as much weight as I much as I was focused on getting to a good working point and then getting those last three sets of accessory work done. I also noted that, getting through these, some pain was flaring up in the shoulders and upper back on the left side- my injured side.
Which brings me to a point.
Despite my hips feeling fairly constantly beat up, my squat and deadlift are progressing. Bench, however, and the pain in the injured side, especially, is either stalled out or getting worse. With a view to get more rehab in for the injured side and continue the strength work there, while maintaining the trend in squat and deadlift, I am going to go ahead and add in a "C" day to this "A/B" routine while slightly modifying A and B.
Currently, the program looks something like this when I am getting all my proper work in:
- Squat
- Bench
- Row accessory
- Posterior chain accessory
- Core accessory
- Front squat
- Deadlift
- Overhead Press
- Vertical row accessory
- Posterior chain accessory
Given the need for rehab and additional work, the contemplation is to add a "C" day, to make the program A/C/B/C, etc. This will dial back the frequency of squatting, of course, but will actually end up allowing for more volume of accessory, I think, refocus some of the effort.
Also, I'm not sure if it's the need for more recovery time between sets with the volume and weight, getting fried from volume and needing deload (shouldn't be), or just a lack of attention to the clock on my part, but my sessions lately have been 2hrs+ recently without typically getting all of the accessory work in.
Thinking the shifted program would look something like this:
- Squat
- Overhead Press
- Posterior chain accessory
- Core accessory
- Band hip accessory - rotation
- Deadlift
- Front squat
- Vertical row accessory
- Posterior chain accessory
- Band hip accessory - rotation
- Bench
- Row accessory
- Triceps accessory
- Band rehab 1 - upper back/shoulder
- Band rehab 2 - shoulder rotation
- Posterior chain accessory
Seems pretty solid and gets in the extra shoulder and triceps work I think is necessary. Main movements will stay in a max 3-5 rep range, thought about switching the bench only to a 5/3/1 progression, calculating maxes, etc, but that is really over complicating what should be a simple enough progression for now. All accessory will be in the three sets in the 8-12 rep range with some of the band rotation work being done in the two to three sets of 20 range.
Go forth and destroy.
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