Because I am an undisciplined human, I have not been keeping up with my shoulder/back rehab as I should so it takes an active reminder to be sure to get it in. That, coupled with the shorter bench sesh from the other day equaled some extra kettlebell work the other night. Here's what occurred:
- Unilateral overhead kettlebell press, seated - 2x10x20lb/arm
- Unilateral overhead kettlebell press, standing - 4x10x30lb/arm
- Overhead kettlebell press, standing, left arm (injured side) only - 2x20x20lbs
Tried to get a proper press in, ie, overhead and a little back to really get the deltoids contracted. This little routine got the shoulder fatigued pretty well and by the end of it I was having to lean a bit to get the full extension.
Just keep working... just keep working...
I know I've said it before, but remind me to never take months off of training. It's been a really mixed bag here lately with the ol' squat. Last couple of sessions felt pretty good squatting, decent hips, decent back, just weaker than I should be. Last night, however, nothing felt quite right.
The occurrence:
- Squat, worked up to 3x275lbs
- Little mo squat, 2x5x225lbs
- Wide stance good mornings - 5x10x135lbs
- Hip abductions supersets (explanation to come) - 3x20
The hip abduction supersets were the standard seated hip abduction with doubled over EliteFTS red pro mini band around the knees supersetted with foot abductions (?!), ie, seated, same band doubled over around the feet, legs straight out in front with heels on the ground, and turn both feet out contracting hard against the band.
If that makes sense.
The plan was to get to at least a 2x2 at 295 but everything just felt disjointed and out of synch. Even working up to the working set it just felt like I was not in as much control as I needed to be. Granted, I pussed out and didn't even try the 295, but at this stage in the game I would rather reinforce good rep work (hence the sets at 225) than go for some shit quality work at higher weight.
As the wise man once said - "Train in the gym, don't test. Leave that for the platform."
I think part of problem, at least for this particular session, is that my previous ME sessions squatting have all been to a box where last night was completely free squatting. I haven't been "box squatting", per se, just using the box as my target for parallel. I think I am getting too much into my head without having it there and worrying about the hole too much. Maybe I'm over thinking it. Either way, I am not executing the same way with and without a box.
This is poo.
Regardless, tonight needs to be some core work and a trip or two on the
with some hip stretching, air squats, etc.
We gon'be a'ight, but we gots work to do.
And, of course, metal. Maybe this will help appease the spirits of my ancestors to whom I did disservice last night.
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