10 October 2013

Today's training session with some metal, too

Today was a decent, albeit short training day. As mentioned previously, it seems I get a lot more work done on bench day than others, but here is what was run:
  • Wide stance SSB squat to low box + black pad – 5xbar, 5x132, 5x172, 5x222, 5x262, 3x312
  • Leg press – 10x6plates (total, not per side), 10x8plates, 2x10x10plates 
  • Reverse hyper – 4x10x90lbs
Brought my Romaleos (thanks, wifey) intending to do some fairly standard medium stance squatting, but the only rack available had the EliteFTS safety squat bar on it and being that I need the back work, I decided to roll with wide stance box squats with the SSB. Didn't bring my Chucks so I just went sock foot for the duration of the session.

Different kind of Chuck.

First time I have ever done that and it wasn't bad at all. Thanks, Hanes!

You just clicked a link to a page for socks.


The EliteFTS Safety Squat Bar. Kneel before Zod!

I gotta say that I forgot that I kind of like squatting with the SSB. It's a little different movement, for sure- the SSB forces you to keep your back tighter and more vertical, lest ye be tossed forward on your face. The box squatting helped me remember to sit back more, which I think I had begun to forget previously as I have more of a tendency to sit down than back in the Oly shoes.

Also got some tips on bettering my work on the reverse hyper from good ol' David.

Also some random talk on the degree of training and performance of professional athletes that most people will never comprehend, and how Dave ridicules his clients and employees/trainers. To their faces, of course. It would be rude otherwise.

Not any ground breaking work and I am still weak as hell, but a good training session nonetheless.

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