15 October 2013

Rare Tuesday bench day

Since training days got a bit off last week and ended up lifting on Sunday, I decided to put bench to this morning (Tuesday) versus yesterday morning. Not a huge impact, aside from the fact that I didn't get to hang out with the Monday morning boot campers. Don't cry for me, Argentina.

Pretty typical routine, got in a little late due to waking up late. Daughter decided that 11:00PM was a good time to go to sleep, so I didn't get to sleep until 11:30PM or so. Probably would have slept longer and missed had she not decided that she wanted to be in bed with us at 5:00AM. Thanks, tiny warm alarm clock!

Sometimes short training sessions are worth it.

Here's what was done-

  • Bench - 2x10xbar, 2x8x95lbs, 5x115lbs, 3x5x125lbs
  • Band hip abductions between some of the above sets- 5x20 w/doubled over pro mini band
  • Cable lat pulldown - 5x10x110lbs
  • Klokov press - 4x10x65lbs
  • External rotations (Ws) - 5x15 w/ pro micro mini band anchored around power rack

This popped up in my Google image search for shoulder external rotation. Awesome Ws, Mr. Knievel.

Spotted one of our geared lifters through some one board pressing in his shirt, took a shower, headed to work. Decent training session but needs more triceps and shoulder work, will get some band and kettlebell action tonight or tomorrow at the hizzie for more rehab. Have an odd mobility/stability issue that I have recently diagnosed (because I am a doctor with extensive experience in kinesiology and rehabilitation) with some kettlebell overhead extensions- was running through some a week or two ago before bed with a 20lb bell, started with my right side ("good" side) for a set of 10 or 15 minimal effort repetitions then moved to do the left side and couldn't stabilize the shoulder to get my elbow in front and up with the bell behind in the "start" position of the extension. Went and picked up a cheap 10lb bell and it seemed to stabilize halfway acceptably, so I know that side still needs a lot of rehab work in addition to the strength work.

Annnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnd metal.

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