17 September 2013

Itty bitty progress report and some asshole attacks the defenseless... again...

I had been worried that my last little bout of shoulder pain and tightness, post PT, was going to set my rehab back. After several days of deload with the recurrence of pain last week and continuing home rehab and stretching, I decided to pick up the week in the gym yesterday with bench day, to include a rep test. Glad (even a little proud) to report that I managed a set of five at 135lbs on bench yesterday.

While this is nowhere near 100%, it is progress over the nasty single for 135 I managed about five weeks ago. If you go by Wendler's calculated one rep max formula (weight x reps x 0.0333 + weight = 1RM) that puts me at about 158 for a current 1RM, or a 23lb increase in five weeks. Average that to gain 4.6lbs/week (as realistic or unrealistic as that may be) and I might be able to hit 225 again by early January. Hell, play my cards right and it may be sooner than that.

 ... and there was much rejoicing.

With some work, rest, nutrition and a little power from the mysterious unknown I should be able to hit a meet early next year with at least a token bench. Maybe someone up there can convince a dwarf to pound out a few new sinews on his anvil for me. 

And now it's time for a rant. If you're a fan of the government (regardless of your party affiliation), this is where you will probably want either stop reading or continue with an open mind.

As everyone knows by now, a coward attacked unarmed personnel at the Washington Navy Yard yesterday. I don't have much new to add to this aside from asking what I am sure many others are asking. How long does this go on? How many more mass killings do we have to endure before something is REALLY done about people like this?

There are already politicians lobbying for more gun control.

I am sure there are people crying and wondering what can be done to stop this plague of violence.

The truth is, people are violent creatures. We have laws in place to stop things like this from happening. The coward that perpetrated this crime has a history of violent behavior involving firearms and somehow still had a medium military security clearance AND was still able to pass a FEDERAL background check to legally purchase the weapons used in the attack. I forget at which source I read it now, but there was someone questioned at the Navy asking how this coward could have possibly obtained the security clearance with his known violent past. If I remember correctly, the answer was pretty simply (paraphrased), "The system didn't work with their system so we couldn't see the previous incidents."

Our own VP Biden said, not too long ago, that we just didn't have the resources to follow up on things like this, didn't have the money to spend on staffing and infrastructure to ensure that laws are followed, erroneous background checks are investigated, essentially that we couldn't enforce the laws we had in place due to lack of budget.

The coward used a shotgun as you suggested, dick.


We want to make more laws governing laws we have already written and put in place to stop incidents like this from happening? From making sure that dubiously named "gun free zones" are in fact safe areas and not places where law abiding citizens, in this case sworn defenders of our Consititution, are allowed to forcefully defend themselves and each other if need be?

Incidentally, if you look at pretty much any active shooter incident in recent memory, each of the crimes committed by these cowards against the defenseless are in so called "gun free zones". Something is foul in the state of America...

If we are going to rely on our government to protect us from ourselves, it is high time we hold them to task. If they are going to make everyone feel better by passing laws to appease the jittery sheep, then let those that are willing to be sheepdogs protect the herd.

Quit criminalizing the law abiding and start hunting down and punishing the criminals.

Start preventing incidents like these by prosecuting criminals early on to the full extent of law instead of letting them go or not starting investigation in the first place because the budget doesn't call for it.

Start enforcing the laws that are already on the books.

Put your fucking money where your mouth is.

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