24 September 2013

Good weekend, a sick baby, and deathlifts once more

After a long and kind of mixed week, nothing quite like heading out to a powerlifting meet. Couple of the guys on the lifting team and I headed out at about 6:00AM for coffee and the SPF meet in Blytheville, AR.

Yes, this the meet I was training for when my rib/nerve injury happened.

Yes, it was a pisser not being able to lift at the meet.

The meet ended up being fairly small, about 25 lifters altogether, and the support staff was lacking. Luckily we did come out, as the two guys I traveled with ended up being spotters and I ended up judging for the meet- side judge during squat and bench, head judge for deadlifts.

Red light... or white light?

Pretty cool experience overall, got to catch up with some of the Blytheville lifters from the last meet, witness several state records, and even witness (and judge... gulp!) a bad 67yo man pull a 700+ deadlift.

 Mr. Jim Hodges, ladies and gentlemen. He lifts.

The team fielded three lifters, with several more from the jamesnasium competing. One of our guys bombed out on squat, one PRed several lifts, and David got his Elite class at 242.

Despite my red lighting him for getting his ass off the bench. More than a little bit.

Does not lift.
Meet wrapped up early, we gathered trophies, and headed out. Think we were back at NBS by about 2:30PM or so, home by about 3:00PM.
Good times. Thanks to Jesse Rodgers with the Southern Powerlifting Federation and the crew from Riston Fitness for putting together a fun and well run meet!  
However, I returned to mama hanging out on the couch with a feverish baby. As time went on, she got up to about a 103.6° fever and an occasional deep, wet cough. Her fever responded to ibuprofen and acetaminophen, so it wasn't too awful, but there was concern. Got her into the doc on Monday, blood test revealed a random virus but, thankfully, no strep.
Sick baby typically yields two things - 1) excessive snuggle time, and 2) lots of TV on the couch. Snuggle time is awesome, but...
...this gets old after three days.
Sunday was more sick baby, a slightly frustrating but ultimately excellent Titans win (come on, Kenny Britt... really?), my younger brother's birthday dinner at my folks' house. Steaks, cake, and The Road Warrior. Not a bad evening. 
Missed the jamesnasium Monday but got into it this morning for my reacquaintance with deathlifts. As I mentioned the other day, I realized it had been a good while since I did any serious deadlifting so I dedicated the morning routine to getting some pulling reps in.
So I don't know who convinced me that not pulling for two months was a good idea, but I am going to slap that individual in a tender, genital related area. After a brief warm up and some hip and hamstring stretching, chalked up, and started tugging. Pretty quickly I was reminded of the benefits of deadlifting... strong back and grip... quick, powerful hips... increased work capacity and CNS response...

All things which have apparently been trying to dwindle away in me wee little self.

NBS lifters from our April meet in Blytheville. My 465 pull at about 4:30

I'm not a great deadlifter anyway, but this was just silly. My best meet pull was 465 and felt like I could have gone another 20-30lbs,  Today, following 5/3/1-ish protocols, worked up to a more difficult than it should have been 6x315. Dropped some weight, took off the belt and went for about 4x8x225 and called it a day. Should have gotten some video to game tape, but alas I did not.

Felt good to pull again but I gots some work to get did.


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