26 January 2015

Mostly Metal Monday: A Couple of Covers And Some Not Metal From Members of Revocation and JFAC

Well, hello there, good looking. Hope you had a good weekend, because I did. It essentially started with an oil change, moved on to poutine, then extra curricular activities to include getting that ol' bike up and running - much thanks to my buddy Jim, the Bikesmith, for getting the pedals swapped on it and helping a fat guy get back on a bike. 


In and amongst the miscellany of the weekend, however, were also a couple of little hidden gems from the deep mines of METAL. 

First, and let's just go ahead and get this out of the way, one of the scariest non-metal things that involves metal you may ever see. A thing straight out of nightmares. A thing... that cannot be stopped... that should not be stopped... a thingaringading... It's a thing that happens when two (or more) talented people, at least one of which is more than slightly demented, make a video together. 

Yeah. Just watch. 

Background, as brief as it may be - Nick Schenzielos is the bassist for Job For A Cowboy and Cephalic Carnage, two very technical "death metal" bands. You may recall the JFAC song that made a guest appearance in a previous post. Damn fine stuff. Nick is also a bit nutty, as evidenced by more than a few videos on his YouTuber channel- some guys still like to have fun, apparently. Another fun loving young feller, Dave Davidson, is the lead guitarist, singer, etc. for Revocation, another technical metal band whom I also love dearly. These two cats apparently know each other and it appears that ol' young Nick asked Dave to sit in on one of his bass vids, the result of which is what you just watched. They apparently also have access to people that make scary things, and hence, screaming newborns with adult bodies play some sort of world music slash bossanova slash whatthejesusjumpedupchrist for your visual and aural pleasure.

So for that, you're welcome.

The next entry in our sordid tail... hurhurhur... tale... comes, again, from Revocation. This is something apparently long since released to the world, but I only recently discovered (thanks Google Play). It blends one of my all time favorite bands, Faith No More, with one of my current favorite bands, good ol' Revocation, to make lovely noise. As with anything, the original is still better than the newer version, but it made me teehee nonetheless.

Originally released on the as a bonus track on a special edition of Revocation's album from a few years ago, Chaos of Forms, I give you their version of FNM's "Surprise! You're Dead!"

While the original was not, by any means, the pinnacle of FNM's writing, every time I hear it I think of Mike Patton giving the middle finger to mainstream rock and metal whilst cackling and gleefully rocking back and forth during the writing sessions. BUT, metal being metal, embraced it anyway.

The original video was also very serious.

Yeah, I've posted it before. You'll live.

I love that song.

Lastly, I would LOVE to leave you with a little parting nugget of joy, a cover by Sylosis. I just recently discovered Sylosis, though they have been rocking the world for several years now. They appear to be younger dudes, but write music that seems to be a bit ahead of where you would expect them to be- definitely a more mature, riff heavy kind of doomy metal tasty goodness. Their latest album, Dormant Heart, along with scads of other good songs, has a bonus track cover of Smashing Pumpkins' "Zero".

It's been a good weekend for a metal child of the 80s and 90s.


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