As discussed in a previous bench sesh, bench is somewhat stalled out, and as I and others have pointed out...
So I decided to switch things up a bit for the bench sesh. Yes, I intend to get in with David and start on back work with him to get this shit... fixed... but until then, here is what occurred:
- Stretch, warm up - about 10min
- Bench - 5xbar, 5x95lbs, 5x135lbs, 3x7-8x155lbs
- Deathlift, sumo - 5x135lbs, 5x225lbs, 3x275lbs, 3x315lbs (with shenanigans), 3x365lbs, 1x405lbs
- Straight fat bar lat pull down, wide, paused - 3x10x110lbs
- Shoulder series x 2
- Tbar row, high elbow (upper back -centric), paused - 3x8x45lbs
- Reverse hyper, heels together/toes out - 3x10x90lbs
As indicated, I have broken off the max 5s programming for bench as I need to get all the stabilizers and little shizzles stronger before I can really progress the bench from a numbers perspective, but I still need to train the lift and get a littel triceps work in. The 3x8 felt decent at that weight, pretty well fatigued the weak ass shoulders by the last set.
Moved on to el sumos, as they were neglected in the last sesh. Worked on Brian's cueing tips some more, as was described in a previous sesh, but still don't quite have it down. It's getting there, and set up is feeling pretty good.
Some visual evidence for that ass:
- 3x275lbs
- 3x315lbs w/shenanigans - this is what happens when you get out of position and drive incorrectly
- 3x365lbs
- And finally... first sumo single at 405, sumo PR. Go me.
All in all felt pretty good. Lock out could have been more solid on that 405, and as Christian pointed out, I did cue a little differently on it than my others. Don't know why exactly, but you will note that I didn't get my back quite as tight and had my hips starting higher than the other pulls, making it almost a stiff legged deadlift.
Need to set the back better and drop the hips a little to get the torso more vertical before the pull. As I get the back and shoulders strengthened I am sure this will get better, as well. Also going to keep pulling without a belt for as much as possible as this appears to be helping a bit and it seems to be easier to get into position without it.
Also, fat belly. Working on that, too. Should be under 250 in the upcoming week. Yay.
And yeah, I don't know exactly what happened in that set at 315, but shenanigans abounded.
No, not the place with all the goofy shit on the walls...
At any rate, there you go. Moved on to back and shoulder stabilizer work as we know is needed and called it a day.
Afterward, hit the house, took a shower, and my wife lady and I went out to see the new Godzilla flick and grab a burger. Godzilla was decent, exactly what it needed to be- a fun summer movie with gigantic monsters battling it out gainst the backdrop of insignificant humans and their habitats, and the fact that they were there was largely humanity's fault. Definitely glad we saw it on the big screen.
Puny humans LOL
Burgers were good, we took a trip out to one of Memphis's outlying towns, Arlington, and visited Off the Hoof Burgers. I got the Pat Lafrieda Chopped Steak burger, wife got the Kobe burger. Both were solid burgers, but the standout was really the Buffalo Bread - flat bread topped with mozzarella, bison meat, and wing sauce. Really tasty stuffs.
We grabbed some beer on the way home, daughter was in bed asleep already (bonus!), and watched some TV to wind the night down. I, however, was winding down too fast, as I was apparently busy cultivating some sort of virus. Didn't even think about beer after we got home and woke up this morning hacking up a lung with lymph nodes so swollen my tongue and molars hurt.
But on the bright side, Machine Head is apparently working on new stuff.
Shenanigans and Machine Head. Clever words and metal.
Go forth and destroy.
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