09 December 2013

Yeah it's been a while...

This song is fucking awful, but it has... been... a while...

So yeah... Some of you may be wondering to yourselves, "Hans, I love reading about your life and exploits but I have been a little worried lately and, frankly, wondering where the hell you've been?"

It's simple, really.


A whole lotta work. Six days a week... 12-16 hours days... Work.

I checked back in on the blog the other day and realized I was working on a draft for my last squat sesh, which was on 11/25. 





I love Google image search. Don't even ask. 

One day I will be able to get back to the gym.

One day.

In the meantime I have worked a lot, not seen my ladies much, and made a little progress towards a new car. The other driver's insurance (thankful they even had insurance in this town) totaled the Legacy out, and after much prying of information and gnashing teeth, wailing, etc. it looks like I will be moving into a new Crosstrek.

Seriously. Only. It's not mine yet. It's still theirs.

I do get the privilege of spending a day a week with the family yesterday, which is really more like a half day once you factor in the fact that if I don't sleep till noon or so I am reasonably useless. There have been some tough ones- I go home for "lunch" typically, which has brought some intermittent boo-hoos from the littlest lady when it comes time for daddy to go back to work. My sainted wife is exhausted as she is the focus of all our daughter's energy a lot of nights. She doesn't get much rest between the daughter and the house. 

We did get to run by the Brooks Museum for their winter artists' market today, which was fun. Picked up a few things for folks, got to talk to my buddy Shannon at shove●It Designs and talk with him about some cool projects he has coming up. Need to commission a set of eyelets from him - he makes some reaaly cool stuff but only had bigger gauges with him at the market. 

Eyelets by shove●It. Pic from their site.

Good times. 

Goods having been gotten and the time running short, we headed back to the house whereupon I went to nap whilst the ladies hung out and did... lady... things.

One of the other thing with this work schedule is that I get to miss out on a lot of "events" and things one might normally get to do if one were part of normal society. Today was some friends of ours daughter's birthday party. Wife and baby went, I painfully awoke from my nap (I don't nap well) and headed to work.
Work, home for lunch to talk to the ladies and distribute hugs and kisses, back to work. Joy.

But only two weeks left, or thereabouts. Must think happy thoughts. 

Soon I will be back to my ladies.

Soon I will be back with the barbell.

Soon I will be able to sleep like a regular person again. 

Soon I will be able to update this hurr blog with more happenings, training seshes, and tomfoolery.

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