05 August 2013

"Every minute I stay in this room, I get weaker..."

"... and every minute Charlie squats in the bush, he gets stronger..." ~Martin Sheen as Captain Willard, Apocalypse Now

So we are about a week into physical therapy for the shoulder and it sounds like things are progressing a bit. Therapy has largely consisted of some directional massage and pressure pointing, warm up on the arm bike (Cybex UBE), some band and light dumbbell movements, electro stim and heat, and today... trigger point dry needling. The dry needling was especially interesting as it is similar to acupuncture, but the practitioner twists the needle and "digs around" a bit to trigger and release muscle tension. Very intersting stuff.

We'll see how well it works after the soreness wears off.

That said, still not a lot of strength gain in the arm for pressing, but the PT thinks the impingement should be pretty much released. While he can't give me a great ETA to 100%, he thinks the pain should be pretty much gone within a week or so (largely gone now), strength gains are as they come.

Patience, work, recovery. Pressing forward to victory!

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